I appreciate you contacting me about this interview project and blog. I will get back to you shortly.

Have a great day!


    Connecting people & cultures across the Mediterranean (and beyond)

    “People of the Mediterranean” is an innovative interview project and blog created in summer 2017. The project aims to connect people and cultures across the Mediterranean and beyond. The initiative focuses on young entrepreneurs and creatives from the 23 Mediterranean countries (1st Edition – Tunisia; Planned 2nd edition – Spain).

    Why this project?
    The project aims to give a voice to young people on both shores of the Mediterranean. They share their projects and stories and speak about the opportunities and challenges of their countries.

    • Interviews

      Discover the 1st edition of the interview project!

      Welcome to the 1st edition of the interview project and blog “People of the Mediterranean” that will focus on Tunisia. I started this project to give insights into the lives of young entrepreneurs and creatives around the Mediterranean. We all share similar hopes and…

    • Journal

      My Tunisia (interview) experience

      Traveling to Tunisia After three intensive weeks of project preparations, the time finally came to confront my idea with reality. To do the first interviews, I traveled to Tunisia for 10 days in September. For some months, I  already planned to go to Tunisia.…

    • Culture
      Hors-Lits Tunis

      100% Art & Culture – Discover Hors-Lits Tunis

      Hors-Lits is a cultural initiative and an artistic network created by Leonardo Montecchia, a contemporary dancer, and choreographer with Argentinian roots. The concept behind Hors-Lits is simple: discover a city district, four private apartments, houses or places following a predefined route, and four local artists through…

    • Journal
      Wordpress tips

      Tips to fine-tune your WordPress website

      Creating a website is not only about design and content, it’s also about functionality. In one of my first articles “Getting started. Challenge No. 1: the website”, I gave you some tips and insights on how I set up my WordPress site choosing a…

    • Interviews
      People talking in a coffee place

      Working on the interview guidelines

      So how do I imagine the interviews will look like? Following my interview guidelines, I want them to be an informal conversation. When I was interviewing people for my work through Skype, telephone or in person, it worked best. People also feel more comfortable…

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